Revealing: Over 100 Ways to Boost Your Brain Power
Whether you are a busy person or not, you can still increase your brain power. There are simple activities, believe it or not, that could help your brain to maintain its performance, or even improving it.
No, I can't guarantee that by doing
these things you will improve your IQ to 180. What I know for sure is that you
can improve a few points by doing all these simple things. All you need is to
be consistent and do it every day.
1. Meditate
According to a research done by
Harvard, Yale, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, meditation can
increase your brain size. Brain scans they conducted reveal that experienced
meditators boasted increased thickness in parts of the brain that deal with
attention and processing sensory input. Meditation also helps you relieve your
2. Play video games
Certain types of video games can
help to train the brain to become more agile and improve strategic thinking,
according to scientists from Queen Mary University of London and University
College London (UCL). Strategy games help you to solve problems while FPS and racing
game boosts your reflexes.
3. Read
This is the most simple and common
way but also the most underrated one. When you read, your brain process
information, allowing it to create new neuron pathway in order to understand
the information and gain knowledge. Force yourself to absorb new information
and, ultimately, gain new knowledge.
4. Question everything
This one does not come up with a
reference, but most of the genius people love to ask questions. They ask
everything which they didn't understand about. To asks means to seek for
answers. When you question something, you try to solve all the problems looking
for an answer. You think, and thinking is an exercise for your brain.
5. Listen to music
Research has shown that listening to
music while exercising boosted cognitive levels and verbal fluency skills in
people diagnosed with coronary artery disease (coronary artery disease has been
linked to a decline in cognitive abilities). In this study, signs of
improvement in the verbal fluency areas more than doubled after listening to
music compared to that of the non-music session.
6. Keep on learning
By learning, the size and structure
of neurons and the connections between them changes. Learning is not only
reading books, it can be traveling to new places, learn a new language, learn
to play a music instrument, or even surfing the web.
7. Make time for friends
According to, humans
are highly social animals. We're not meant to survive, let alone thrive, in
isolation. Relationships stimulate our brains—in fact, interacting with others
may be the best kind of brain exercise.
8. Minimize stress
Stress is one of the brain's worst
enemies. Over time, chronic stress destroys brain cells. Also, studies have
also linked stress to memory loss.
9. Laugh
You've heard that laughter is the
best medicine, and that holds true for the brain and the memory, as well as the
Furthermore, listening to jokes and
working out punch lines activates areas of the brain vital to learning and
10. Play brain games
According to Danette Rivera from
Breaking Muscle, brain games and certain puzzles and brainteasers help create
new associations between different parts of the brain, which keeps it sharp.
11. Getting organized
Clear the desk and the mind at the
same time: An organized workspace may help improve memory and cognitive skills.
12. Doodling
Research suggests doodling during a
cognitive task helps improve memory because it keeps the brain stimulated
13. Daydreaming
There are lots of cognitive benefits
to letting the mind wander, like increased creativity and problem-solving
ability, according to this research.
14. Writing by hand
The younger generation may not do
this a lot anymore, but writing words by hand can improve cognitive skills like
learning and memory.
15. Sharpening the senses
It's important to challenge the
brain in shape by keeping all the senses sharp. Try involving new senses in
routine activities, like eating with the eyes closed and placing more emphasis
on taste and smell.
16. Watch TV
On the contrary to popular beliefs,
one study found people who watched a half-hour TV show performed better on
intelligence tests than people who listened to classical music, worked on
crossword puzzles, or read books.
Just make sure don't watch it more
than one hour.
17. Take an unfamiliar route back
Trying new activities stimulates the
release of dopamine, which increases motivation and the growth of new neurons.
18. Memorize your city
In one study, London taxi drivers
showed structural changes in the part of the brain associated with spatial
Try to not get lost while not using
any maps.
19. Play an instrument
According to this study, the parts
of the brain responsible for motor control, hearing, and visuospatial skills
may be more developed in musicians than in non-musicians.
20. Speak it out loud
Want to remember something better?
There's evidence that we remember ideas better when we speak them out loud.
21. Learn a new language
Most of the people who talks more
than three languages have higher IQ than everybody else. Studies show
Alzheimer's symptoms develop more slowly in bilingual speakers than in those
who speak just only one language.
22. Think positively
You cannot learn much if you always
think negatively. Cheer up.
Research suggests people learn more
when they believe intelligence isn't fixed.
23. Write down ideas
According to Julie McCormick from, writing ideas down creates oxygenated blood flow to areas of your
brain that a responsible for your memories and literally exercises those parts
of it.
That is the reason why professors in
universities told us to write our notes manually, although it is already in the
text book.
24. Visualize things
Try to pull up a mental image of
what it is you are trying to remember. And when seeing things, try to memorize
the shape, color, and details in order to store it better in your memory.
25. Teach
When you teach someone, you recall
all the information needed and reconstruct it, thus enhancing the memory
26. Draw a picture
According to a post at Food Matters,
drawing stimulates the right-hemisphere of the brain and inspires creativity.
Get out the colored pencils and begin drawing your way to a powerful brain.
27. Brainwave entrainment
Brainwave entrainment is a safe and
innovative way to stimulate and shape the brain and it's functioning. You can
build up more control over your life and exploit your brain's potential.
28. Engage in debate
A good, healthy debate strengthens
the brain's ability to think quickly and apply intelligence to verbal
situations. Work to build up your brain power by engaging in plenty of healthy
29. Change your environment
To keep your brain properly
stimulated, it is important to keep changing your environment. Drive a new
route to work, eat at a new restaurant on Friday night. Changing the
environment helps change the brain!
30. Set goals
Setting goals activates areas of the
brain associated with positive thinking and action. Setting goals is great for
achieving success and prosperity in life and boosting your brain.
31. Be empathetic
Being empathetic and trying to
understand the emotions of others is a skill that your brain can learn. Being
empathetic is definitely a powerful trait to have and allows your brain to
relate to the emotions of others.
32. Brainstorm
A good brainstorming session to
think of new, stimulating ideas is a great way to boost your brains ability to
think creatively. Brainstorming is actually a different way of thinking that
will equip your brain with a quick creative boost.
33. Write an article
Writing is linked to an improved
memory and expression of thoughts. When you write, you are strengthening your
brain's natural ability to convey thoughts and feelings. Writing is a great way
to exercise your ability to analyze and build a thought process with critical
thinking. Journals, diaries, blog entries and writing stories are phenomenal
ways to fulfill your brain.
34. Do self-hypnosis
The power of hypnotic suggestion is
definitely real. You can change aspects of your thought process and learn to
shift your focus by taking the time to do some self-hypnosis. Hypnosis research
shows that by practicing hypnosis, the individual experience lowered stress,
increased pain tolerance, and clear thinking. Try it out for yourself if you
haven't already!
35. Turn off the TV
On 16 I suggested to watch TV, but
here it is, watching TV may not be the only reason which rotting begins in the
brain, but it is a key ingredient to the rotting process. A little T.V. will
never hurt anybody, but it does definitely change brain functioning. The act of
watching T.V. slows brainwaves and causes a decline in brain fitness.
The key is, watch TV but not more
than an hour.
36. Paint a picture
On 26 you're being told to draw, but
now you're being told to paint. What's the difference? Well, drawing and
painting are not the same things. Drawing is dry (e.g. using a pencil or pen),
painting needs paint and a brush. Drawings are made by using lines, and
paintings are done by using smudges or stains.
Being able to visualize where you
want paint to go on paper sparks pure creativity from within. Painting is an
exercise that gets the right-brain fully functioning and improves your creative
side. If you haven't tried painting a picture, give it a shot and notice that
you're likely to feel and be more creative.
37. Cry
Don't be afraid to cry when the time
is right! Crying actually heals emotions and promotes healthy circulation
within the brain. Those who are able to cry are actually cleansing the inside
of their brain, which is another very healthy way to increase brain power.
38. Solve puzzles
Solving puzzles is a great way to
stimulate your brains ability to critically think and process information.
Puzzles are thought provoking, challenging, and a fun activity. The great thing
about puzzles is that they require activity in the left-hemisphere of the brain
to work with, and transfer information to, the right hemisphere's visual center
of the brain.
39. Do neurofeedback
Neurofeedback is a great way to
learn to consciously control your brain wave patterns. Neurofeedback builds
brain structure and helps promote flexibility within a brain's neural network.
Though neurofeedback is somewhat costly, if you've got enough money — it may
very well be the best investment you can make for your brain!
40. Be self-aware
When you learn to let go of
ego-driven and emotional aspects of life, rational thinking kicks in. Rational
thinking will allow you to become self-aware, which in turn allows you to make
better future decisions to achieve optimal brain health. Activities like
meditation, self-hypnosis, and introspection allow us to increase our
41. Stay in school
If you are in school, chances are
good that you will boost your brain power more than the average dropout!
Keeping up with school work, means giving your brain a good workout in areas of
self-discipline, learning, and mental processing. Stay in school, or do
something to always be learning something new!
42. Do N-Backs
According to an article on Examined
Existence, N-back tasks are a series of performance tasks used as an assessment
tool in cognitive neuroscience to evaluate a certain area of the short-term
memory. Considered as the cornerstone brain-training exercise, the n-back task
is also considered as a method to boost fluid intelligence. It requires a
person to mentally juggle several things simultaneously.
There are several good n-back apps
on both the Android and Apple marketplace; the one I suggest is Brain N-Back.
43. Play chess
Chess improves verbal skills by
utilizing all the abilities of a person, as many aptitudes or faculties of the
mind are utilized whenever the game is played.
44. Sculpting
Creating and appreciating art are
powerful ways to develop a healthy brain. If you engage yourself with
sculpture, you get to develop new skills such as color and textural
discrimination, spatial differentiation and creative thinking.
45. Track your genealogy
In an article posted in Psychology
Today, a study reveals that people who traced their roots performed better on a
series of cognitive tests than people who had other thoughts. Although the
reason is unclear, rediscovering your ancestry tend can significantly help you
gain insight into the present time.
46. Engage in good conversation
A systematic review done by
psychology professors at the University of Michigan explored the effects of
social interaction on mental functioning, and revealed that there is a
relationship between socializing and improved cognition.
47. Do something random
Doing something randomly helps your
brain by adding some stimulus to it. It doesn't just add twist to every single
day; it makes you think and think and think. People tend to have decreased
mental activity if they do things in a usual manner, like brushing one's teeth
with the dominant hand or ordering the same food at a restaurant.
48. Exercise
The explanation is simple, if you
are healthy, then your blood circulation will be optimal, thus allowing your
brain to perform without any problem. Brain need blood to get the oxygen needed
to create the energy to think. An intense exercise also helps your body to
release the Human Growth Hormone which is crucial for the brain's overall
49. Use your left hand (right if you
are a lefty)
In a study done by researchers from
Israel found that clenching with your left could improve your thought process.
Basically, when you use your non-dominant hand, your brain will try to adapt to
the new way of doing things, thus creating or improving some of the areas.
50. Get enough sleep
Sleep is known to enhance your
memories and help you practice and improve your performance of challenging
skills. A single night of sleeping only four to six hours can impact your
ability to think clearly the next day. Just make sure that you don't oversleep
because it can lower your brain performance.
51. Check for heart disease
Cardiovascular disease and its risk
factors, including high cholesterol and high blood pressure, have been linked
to mild cognitive impairment.
52. Check for diabetes
Studies show that people with
diabetes experience far greater cognitive decline than those who don't suffer
from the disease.
53. Volunteer
Volunteering can lower your stress
levels and increase mental functioning. Not only does it feel good, but it
promotes brain health by raising self-esteem.
54. Strength Training
Research suggests strength training
can also boost cognitive functioning. That's because lifting weights may
increase levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which controls the
growth of nerve cells.
55. Dance
According to Shana Lebowitz from
Greatist, research suggests dancing involves mental challenges like
coordination and planning, and may protect against cognitive decline.
56. Play golf
One study found golfing causes
structural changes in the parts of the brain associated with the sensorimotor
57. Do yoga
Research suggests yoga can improve
mood and concentration, enhance cognitive performance, and even prevent
cognitive decline in older adults.
58. Power naps
In one study, young adults who
napped for 90 minutes showed significant improvements in memory. But another
research suggests even naps that last a few minutes can increase alertness.
59. Flossing
The plaque that accumulates between
teeth can actually trigger an immune response that prevents arteries from
getting nutrients to the brain.
60. Lawn mowing
One study found lawn-mowing releases
a chemical that relieve stress and might even boost memory in older adults.
61. Lying down
It's possible that memory improves
when the head hangs lower than the rest of the body. This is because the blood
flows better in your head. And one study found people solved anagrams faster
when they were lying down than when they were standing.
62. Deep breathing
Deep breathing actually increases
oxygen levels and blood-flow to the brain. 10-15 minutes of daily deep
breathing can make a huge difference in the quality of your life and brain's
functioning potential.
63. Take a walk
Exercise definitely benefits the
brain, and walking is a great form of exercise that is easy and very effective
for boosting brainpower. Walking puts your mind in a relaxed state of clear
thought and brain function. Walking gives your brain a chance to wander and
free itself from any troubling thoughts.
64. Do impersonation
Being able to impersonate other's
actions and talk activates several areas of the brain that are usually
inactive. Impersonating others, if done in a fun, playful manner, can improve
your brain power and the brain's natural ability to adapt quickly when faced
with new situations.
65. Have sex
Having sex is a great way to
naturally release vital hormones in the brain. When involved in a loving
relationship, having sex improves social connection as well as emotional
intelligence. Sex is connecting, stress-relieving, and a great way to give your
brain a boost. Chances are that sex will also improve your confidence and
ability to think positively!
66. Light therapy
A dip in alertness and focus during
the day can often be due to excessive melatonin, which can induce sleepiness.
Unfortunately, most websites, magazines or books tell you that the answer to
this issue is to expose the eyes to more light in the morning via using
something like a “light box”, which produces blue light.
However, blue light is not good for
your eyes, and you can do this alternatively by limiting your exposure to blue
light in the early evening – via both limiting use of TV's, phones, and
computers at night, and also using blue-light blocking glasses, applications
like Flux, and computer screen covers in the evening.
67. Animal-based Omega-3 fats
According to Dr. Joseph Mercola from, Docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, an omega-3 fat, is an essential
structural component of both your brain and retina. Approximately 60 percent of
your brain is composed of fats—25 percent of which is DHA. DHA is also an
essential structural ingredient of breast milk, which is believed to be a major
reason why breastfed babies consistently score higher on IQ tests than
formula-fed babies.
Omega-3 fats such as DHA are
considered essential because your body cannot produce it, and must get it from
your daily diet. DHA-rich foods include fish, liver, and brain—all of which are
no longer consumed in great amounts by most Americans
68. Coconut oil
There's a substance that can feed
your brain and prevent brain atrophy. It may even restore and renew neuron and
nerve function in your brain after damage has set in.
The substance in question is called
ketone bodies or ketoacids. Ketones are what your body produces when it converts
fat (as opposed to glucose) into energy, and a primary source of ketone bodies
are the medium chain triglycerides (MCT) found in coconut oil!
Everyone tolerates coconut oil
differently, so you may have to start slowly. Coconut oil is best taken with
food, to avoid upsetting your stomach.
69. Vitamin D
Activated vitamin D receptors
increase nerve growth in your brain. An appropriate sun exposure would take
care of these issues as the sun is irreplaceable when it comes to the body's
ability to produce adequate amounts of vitamin D
70. Traditional fermented foods
Your gut bacteria are an active and
integrated part of your body. If you consume a lot of processed foods and
sweetened drinks, for instance, your gut bacteria are likely going to be
severely compromised because processed foods, in general, will destroy healthy
microflora. Limiting sugar and processed foods, while eating traditionally
fermented foods (rich in naturally occurring good bacteria) is one of the best
ways to optimize gut flora and subsequently support brain health.
71. Vitamin B12
Mental fogginess and problems with
memory are two of the top warning signs that you have vitamin B12 deficiency,
and this is indicative of its importance for your brain health.
B12 is available in its natural form
only in animal food sources. These include seafood, beef, chicken, pork, milk,
and eggs.
72. Limit calories and saturated fat
Research shows that diets high in
saturated fat (from sources such as red meat, whole milk, butter, cheese,
cream, and ice cream) increase your risk of dementia and impair concentration
and memory.
73. Green tea
Green tea contains polyphenols, a
powerful antioxidant that protect against free radicals that can damage your
brain cells. Also, regular consumption of green tea may enhance memory and
mental alertness and slow brain aging.
74. Drink wine (or grape juice)
Drink wine in moderation (around 1
glass a day for women; 2 for men), alcohol may actually improve memory and
cognition. Red wine appears to be the best option, as it is rich in
resveratrol, a flavonoid that boosts blood flow to the brain and reduces the
risk of Alzheimer's disease. Other resveratrol-packed options include grape
juice, cranberry juice, fresh grapes and berries, and peanuts.
75. Stay hydrated
Hydration is essential to keep the
brain working properly, and research suggests being thirsty can distract us
from the cognitive tasks we're trying to do.
76. Eat spices
Research suggests certain spices can
help preserve memory. Cumin and cilantro are especially powerful
77. Leafy green vegetables
The antioxidants in these lean
greens offer powerful brain protection from conditions like strokes,
Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's disease.
78. Nuts and seeds
Nuts and seeds contain nutrients
that seriously improve cognitive performance. Zinc in pumpkin seeds could
improve memory; the vitamin E in nuts can enhance cognitive skills.
79. Complex carbs
Complex carbohydrates improve
alertness by offering energy that lasts through the day. Go for whole-wheat
bread, brown rice, and oatmeal.
80. Coffee
Studies suggest the caffeine in an
eight-ounce cup of coffee can improve attention and short-term memory.
81. Apples
Research suggests quercetin, a
chemical in apples, offers great neuroprotection, meaning it protects brain
cells against damage from free radicals that can cause cognitive decline. Most
of the quercetin's in the apple skin, so keep the peel for an extra boost.
82. Chocolate
A recent study found the flavonols
in dark chocolate offer a short-term boost in cognitive skills.
83. Chewing gum
Not only it is fun to chew gum, but
also, studies have found chewing gum improves mood and alertness.
84. Chicken and eggs
It doesn't matter which came first,
both foods are great sources of choline, which can help improve cognitive
performance, especially memory.
85. Fatty foods
As long you don't eat them too much,
research suggests fatty foods improve long-term memory. A hormone released during
the digestion of some fats improves the part of the brain responsible for
long-term memory formation.
86. Glucose
Sugar is sweet, but only if you
don't over consume it that it will give you benefits. A little bit of glucose
(25 grams) can boost alertness and improve memory.
87. Milk
According to this study, people who
drink a glass of milk daily perform better on tests of memory and other
cognitive functions.
Start to do all these simple things
every day, and come back after a month to report your results here in the
comment section.
88. Avoid trans fats and high
fructose corn syrups
Trans fats diminish the brain cells'
ability to communicate with each other, and high fructose corn syrups can
actually shrink the brain by damaging cells.
89. Avoid junk foods
Junk food has been proven to
decrease energy in the body and promotes “brain fog.” Cut some junk food from
your diet, and reap the benefits of a more calm, focused brain chemistry.
90. Fish oil
Fish oil supplements are literally
like membrane material for the brain. The 2 primary components of EPA and DHA
each act to strengthen both the emotional center of the brain and boost focus.
91. Multivitamin
If you don't like to consume all
different kinds of multivitamin pills, just take a multivitamin, an all-in-one
pill to facilitate your brain daily needs.
92. Eat less
Eating too much food has the effect
of decreasing blood-flow to the brain and increasing blood-flow to the
digestive system. Therefore, if you are able to cut-back on the total amount of
food you consume, you will have enhanced brain functioning. In several lab
studies, rats on a calorie-restricted diet had increased blood flow in their
93. Eat breakfast
When kids who hadn't eaten breakfast
for awhile, began to eat breakfast, their math grades went up an entire letter
grade (on average). Breakfast is probably the most important meal of the day —
it provides your body with fuel for the rest of the day. If you don't have time
to eat an entire breakfast in the morning, at least, have some sort of snack.
94. Reduce excessive alcohol
Alcohol in moderation isn't terrible
for the brain, however, too much alcohol is damaging to brain health and
function. If you want to boost brain power, cutting alcohol is a great way to
do it. Alcohol can cause memory problems and encourage “foggy,” disorganized
95. Drug-free lifestyle
Everyone knows that drugs are bad
for them. Drugs do not foster creativity, they kill creativity and deplete
brain cells. Depending on the drug, effects can range from brain bleeding, to
cell loss, to impairments in neural growth. Live drug-free and keep your brain
more powerful!
96. Drink freshly squeezed juice
Drinking fresh pressed vegetable
juice revitalizes the brain and provides cells with a refreshing jolt of
nutrients. Most juices provide your brain with vital nutrients which in turn,
provide you with more mental energy and focus.
97. Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo Biloba has been
scientifically researched and documented to significantly increase blood-flow
to the brain. Ginkgo Biloba is a fairly inexpensive way to pump up your brain's
blood-flow. Increased blood flow to the brain is correlated with an increase in
focus and problem solving. Try some Ginkgo Biloba and allow your brain to reap
the benefits!
98. Sniff basil
I personally haven't tried this
method, but there seem to be many claims testifying for Basil's effectiveness
at improving overall brain function. Either way, certain fragrances actually change
brain functioning. Taking a whiff of peppermint speeds up brain functioning
while other fragrances actually slow things down! Since scent is the strongest
thing tied to memory, some good fragrances can definitely help out brain
99. Fatty acids
A substance called “arachidonic
acid” is one of the most abundant fatty acids in the brain, and is crucial your
neurological health, since it helps build the cell membranes in your
hippocampus, helps protect your brain from free radical damage, and activates
proteins that are responsible for growth and repair of neurons in your brain.
According to Ben Greenfield from Ben
Greenfield Fitness, “In my opinion, it would be silly to supplement with
arachidonic acid since it is readily available in food sources, including
Tilapia, catfish, yellowtail and mackerel (sushi anyone?), fatty cuts of meat,
duck, eggs and dairy.”
100. Phosphatidylserine
Compared to other similar
triglycerides and dietary fats, phosphatidylserine is found in abundance in
neural tissue, where it serves as a structural component of cell membranes, and
also as an inhibitor of acetylcholine (which means it can increase alertness,
and dopamine/glutamate levels in your brain).
Supplement/pill forms of
phosphatidylserine tend to be expensive, especially when you consider that you
can get it at fairly high levels in seafood, particularly herring and mackerel.
101. Vitamin K2
Your brain contains one of the
highest concentrations of vitamin K2 in your entire body, and it is in this
area of your body that Vitamin K2 prevents free radical damage to neurons and
contributes to the production of the protective “myelin” sheets around your
brain cells.
But the fact is, unless you have a
serious deficiency or disease that requires K2 intake, you're better off
getting it from natural sources: grass-fed beef, fermented dairy products (like
kefir) and natto (a fermented soybean derivative).
102. Blackcurrant
Vitamin C has long been thought to
have the power to increase mental agility. One of the best sources of this
vital vitamin are blackcurrants.
103. Blueberries
According to Jo Lewin from BBC Good
Food, evidence accumulated at Tufts University in the United States suggests
that the consumption of blueberries may be effective in improving or delaying
short term memory loss. Widely available, so there's no excuse.
104. Tomatoes
There is good evidence to suggest
that lycopene, a powerful antioxidant found in tomatoes, could help protect
against the kind of free radical damage to cells which occurs in the
development of dementia, particularly Alzheimer's.
105. Quit smoking
When you smoke, instead of feeding
your brain with oxygen, you're filling it with carbon monoxide and free
radicals that decrease its cognitive ability and cause injury to the inner
lining of its blood vessels. Smoking decreases cognitive ability and poses the
risk of cerebrovascular diseases like stroke. Needless to say, smoking causes
106. Pumpkin seeds
Just a handful of pumpkin seeds a
day is all you need to get your recommended daily amount of zinc, vital for
enhancing memory and thinking skills.
107. Broccoli
A great source of vitamin K, which
is known to enhance cognitive function and improve brainpower.
108. Sage
Sage has long had a reputation for
improving memory and although most studies focus on sage as an essential oil,
it could be worth adding fresh sage to your diet too.
Basically, there are three aspects
to increase brain power.
First, we need to think and make our
brain learn new things. Our brain reshapes and reconstructs when we learn new
things. So, try new things as much as possible.
Second, the brain is a body-part, so
we should make sure that our body is healthy and fit by doing exercises. The
brain needs blood to ensure its functioning. Exercise helps the body to
circulate blood better.
Third, to have enough energy to
think and to stay healthy, we need to eat healthy foods. Vitamins are essential
for our brain; it is like the oil for our brain. Healthy foods, that is.
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