African organizations unite to address the threat of a dangerous form of Fusarium wilt of banana
Dr. Fen of IITA & Dennis Ochola of Biodiversity afflicted farm in Northern Mozambique An African consortium of international researchers and growers, backed by policymakers in regional blocs of eastern and southern Africa has declared “war” against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense tropical race 4 (Foc TR4), a highly pathogenic form of the banana Fusarium wilt, previously confined to Asia, but recently introduced to a farm in northern Mozambique. FoC TR4 (also known as Panama disease) is caused by a fungal strain that can survive for decades in the soil, and once introduced to a country has never been previously eradicated. Production of Cavendish types of banana which dominate export markets, and some other local forms of banana, has been devastated across Asia, no thanks to Foc TR4. Its introduction to Africa, probably by infected planting material by people, has already had a massive impact on the c...