Infinix gives UPSA SRC week celebration a blast

Call it a jubilation of a lifetime though just a weeklong activities to mark this year’s Students Representative Council(SRC) week celebration of the University of Professional Studies, Accra(UPSA). This year’s SRC week celebration in the history of the UPSA was touted as talk of town due to the heightened momentum it has received from students both in and out of school including the general public. Expectations were so high right from the beginning of the week, there was so much joy in the air and most students really had fun to the fullest. But what actually set the whole event on fire was the outstanding performances of top Ghanaian music stars like Yaa Pono, Joey B, EL and hosts of others who thrilled the students with great vibes last Friday night at Prestige hostel near the school campus. It was a night of great entertainment which caused the atmosphere fully charged, with multitudes of students trooped to the venue to catch a glimpse of lists of artists...