VegGhana Petitions Govt. on Promotion of Plant Based Diets

The Vegetarian Association of Ghana (VegGhana) has called on the Ministry of Health to help intensify efforts towards promoting the consumption of plant based diets in the country. They equally appealed to Government to consider incorporating more plant based diets into the school feeding program. This, they believe will help reduce the cost of school feeding program as well as improve upon the health budget making it possible for the government to come out with more productive and developmental projects at its own merit of funding. According to a statement released by the Association signed by Dr. Kofi Asare, Chairman of the planning committee to the Ministry of Health through the Regenerative Health Department indicates that consumption of meat or animal produce has woefully contributed to lifestyle related diseases such as stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases in Ghana. “The fact that Ghana has more cases of child c...