About 80 selected students drawn from 8 senior high schools within the Northern Region have benefited under a 1-day sensitization workshop on Biotechnology at the Nyankpala campus of the University of Development Studies in Tamale They were ten participants each drawn from eight selected schools within Tamale, Tolon and Kumbungu respectively in the Northern Region. “It was fashioned to sensitize students on job prospects in the field of Biotechnology and to encourage them to enroll in the subject for a better future” Dr. Margaret Ottah Atikpo, Focal Person of OFAB-Ghana Chapter has said. Biotechnology is the use of scientific methods to produce genetically modified food crops that are more pest, disease and drought resistant and with short maturity periods. It is a technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms or derivatives to make or modify products or processes for specific uses. The technology unfortunately ha...