3rd WAPOGA Games: Officials Calls on Corporate Organizations for Support

Prof. Sylvester Achio, President of the West Africa Polytechnic Games Association (WAPOGA) has called on corporate institutions, philanthropists’ and individuals to extend their support in both cash and kind towards a successful third WAPOGA games which Ghana is proud to be a host for the first time since its inception in the year 2000. The call has become necessary even on the eve of the opening ceremony which comes off tomorrow July 25, at the Accra Sports Stadium, Prof Achio has indicated. John Dramani Mahama, Ghana’s President is expected to officially open the historic 3rd WAPOGA Games at exactly 3pm which comes off at the Accra Sports Stadium. Prof. Sylvester Achio, also the Rector of Accra Polytechnic made the call on Friday July 24, at the press briefing which took place at the school conference hall in Accra to update Journalists on preparations Ghana has made as the host of the third edition ahead of the actual games schedule...