REMALJ Jolly Reading Clinic holds 2nd reading festival

The Municipal Director of Education in the Prestea Huni-Valley municipality, Ms. Francisca Mwin-Ira has underscored the need for all parents and guardians in the country to be to more committed in the welfare of children to ensure that they are given the right form of education at a tender age in order to prevent them from being exposed to reading and learning difficulties that could go a long way to mar their future. According to her, giving children a very strong literacy foundation in education at an early stage is the key to securing a better future for their academic excellence. “We all know how important it is to educate a child and the best way to start is when they are still young” she added. Mrs. Francisca Mwin-Ira made the observation while addressing a gathering at an event dubbed the “second reading festivals” for kids which took place last Saturday at the Golden Star Resource Mines Site, Bogoso in the Western Region. The reading festival was o...