Rural-Urban migration in Ghana: A mixture of virtues and faults

I listened with rapt attention as she narrates her story. I could not hold back my tears as it rolled heavily down my cheeks. 10-year-old Amina, a little girl (migrant) from Kumbungu in the northern region who resides in Ghana’s capital town; Accra, tells me her parents abandoned her to fend for herself at a tender age of eight (8) years with the excuse they can no longer continue to cater for her needs due to poverty. What touched my heart most was hearing her recounted the number of times she went to bed with empty stomach as a result of having no means of livelihood. Amina maintained it took her only God’s intervention to meet Mariama Gomda, another Kayayei (returnee) who came to her rescue leading to her migrating safely to Accra where she now work as Kayayei for survival. Her story is a kind that might move anyone to tears due to the magnitude of woes it exudes. Unlike the 13-year-old Barikisu, migrating from Talensi in the Upper East Region, down south (Accr...