The power is in our hands to determine our own future- HRM Dolor tells Ghanaians

HRM Drolor Bosso Adamtey I The Suapolor of the Se Traditional Area in the Dangme West District of Ghana, His Royal Majesty Drolor Bosso Adamtey I has stated that until Ghanaians realize the God-given power entrusted in their hands to rule their own affairs and utilize it effectively to their advantage, they will forever continue to wallow in poverty and misery. According to him, the power to determine their future, a gift from God, is in the hands of every Ghanaian, but regretted that most people do not utilize that unique power to bring about the desired changes in their lives and therefore the blessing of God evades them. “God has put so much in our hands, He has given us the opportunity, life and gifts. If we learn to use our hands and our heads and don’t get lazy, we can achieve anything in life”. Nene Drolor Bosso Adamtey I made this observation in his sermon on the topic: “the power of the hand” at the gathering of worshippers of the Praise Family Chapel loca...