Help Expedite License Renewal of MCAs- Pres. Of AMCAG

The President, Greater Accra Regional Branch of the Association of Medicine Counter Assistants of Ghana (AMCAG) Mr. Abdul Issah has appealed to the Pharmacy Council of Ghana to as a matter of urgency consider renewal of expired licenses or certifications of Medicine Counter Assistants (MCAs) in the country. According to him, most Medicine Counter Assistants (MCA’s) who received training to assist pharmaceutical teams to perform various tasks, including dispensing of drugs, sale of over-the -counter medicines have exhausted the validity period of their licenses awaiting renewal but have been denied access by the authorities even though still serving under post which he alleges is against the law of the nation. “These issues of regulation must be met by the authorities if MCAs can feel free in a peaceful atmosphere and deliver their services for betterment of our beloved country Ghana. “We are not going to be gradual in our request, but vo...