“The Plight of Akimbu”: A book to eliminate tramadol, substances abuse launched

It is no more a bad habit but a canker gradually destroying the future of our youth, particularly in the wake of rampant abuse of tramadol. The issue of drug and alcohol abuse has got many youths roaming the streets with mental disorders and becoming a burden not only on families but the society at large. Ghana has been battling with the menace but to no avail with reported incidence of addiction, armed robbery, youth vandalism, car accidents and in some cases violence; all linked to the influence of tramadol including other form of substances abuse. In a bid to address the canker, Adwinsa Publications Ghana Limited, a leading book publishing company in the country has launched its latest book, aimed at educating school children, the youth and the entire nation on the causes and dangers of drug abuse with emphasis on tramadol. Dubbed “The Plight of Akimbu” is an interesting, easy to read 68 pages’ book that takes the reader through the journey of life of an innoc...