COP21: CSOs in Ghana hold National Climate Rally for awareness creation

Some civil society organizations (CSOs) championing the action 2015 campaign in Ghana have embarked on a national climate change rally aimed at creating awareness on the just beginning Conference of Party (COP) 21, a global UN summit on climate change in Paris. The rally led by the Purim African Youth Development Platform Ghana (PAYDP) was staged at the Agbogbloshie market in Accra on Sunday attracting masses of youth to the scene. Executive Director of PAYDP Ghana, Aku Xornam Kevi, addressing the participants explained that the United Nations climate change summit of Conference of Party 21 which commenced on Monday, November 30 in Paris is indeed a very crucial moment for the world to achieve a new international agreement on climate change, applicable to all countries with the aim of keeping global warming below 2 degrees Celsius. “If leaders deliver a bold new international climate agreement, they could set us on a path to a healthier and fairer world for everyone,” ...