Over 100 Youth in Bukom sensitized on dangers of unsafe abortion

Over 100 youth living in Israel, a fishing community located within Bukom, a suburb of Accra have been vigorously sensitized on the dangers of illegal abortion under a project dubbed "Aborti on 360". They were also advised to adopt the practice of comprehensive abortion care(CAC) always to stay out of danger. The youth, usually made up of teenagers from the ages of 10 to 20 were schooled at a durbar organized by 3 NGOs spearheading the 'abortion 360 campaign' on dangers of unsafe abortion and the need to embrace the comprehensive abortion care for their own safety. The method used to drum home the message was a popular theatre (drama) which sheds more light on the illegal abortion practice. Though a short drama portraying a mixture of pain and pleasure, the storyline was interesting and educative highlighting the problems and offering solutions on safe abortion practices which impacted every participant greatly. The 360 abortion project', an initia...