Enriching Lives Ministries ordains leaders

Propagating the gospel, equiping Christians with doctrinal and inspirational teachings and winning souls for Christ were the core tenets of Enriching Lives Ministries when it was established two years ago by its Founder and General Overseer Reverend Obed Danquah, an anointed man of God. To keep the above principles in shape so as to enable the church accomplish its mission, demands the services of a crop of devoted, committed and responsible leaders to steer its affairs. In recognition and fulfillment of this noble task, the Enriching Lives Ministries on Saturday December 14, 2019 took up the initiative to confer holy orders on first batch of leaders to manage its affairs. The newly ordained Ministers numbering four (4) include Ps. Moses Amoamah Antwi, Ps. Isaac Ackonu-Nunoo, Ps. Joel Yao Baku and Ps. Thomas Narh Blebo. They were ordained and sworn into office by Bishop Jerry Augustus Sowah, the presiding prelate of Full Gospel Fellowship of Churches Intern...