DOVVSU urged to assist vulnerable women access justice with ease

Irene Aborchie-Nyahe, a Human Rights Lawyer with International Federation of Women lawyers (FIDA) and Legal Assistance Network, Ghana has called on officers of Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit (DOVSU) of the Ghana Police Service to equip themselves with the adequate knowledge on the rights of women and the vulnerable in the society so as to be able to assist those that come to them to access justice for any form of violence or abuse they may have encountered. "They should also be abreast with the cases that are brought before them seeking for help," she stressed, adding "most of these cases are law based situations so even though they are not lawyers, they should read on domestic violence laws as far as they can". Irene Aborchie-Nyahe made the call at one-day sensitization workshop dubbed ‘Learning and sharing forum with state actors’ organized by FIDA-Ghana in partnership with the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) in ...