WiLDAF calls for media support as Ghana marks World Rural Women’s Day

Women in Law and Development in Africa (WiLDAF-Ghana) has called on the media to join the fight for justice and strongly advocate for the rights of rural women in land acquisition as Ghana joins the world to mark the World Rural Women’s Day on Thursday. Lois Adoamoah-Addo, Program Officer for WiLDAF-Ghana, made the call at a media soiree in Accra on Monday to commemorate the Day on October 15, 2015. The event was aimed at drawing the attention of the media to the plights of vulnerable rural women in the society when it comes to issues of the acquisition of land. It also sought to solicit the support of the media to help dedicate their energy and time in educating the public on the law pertaining to land acquisition as well as impress upon policy makers to consider rural women into formulation of policies regarding land acquisition amongst others, she says. In an interview with journalists, Ms Adoamoah-Addo said: “The contribution of ru...