Discover "BOLERO" the sweetest powder in sachet that makes delicious drink
Amazing "Bolero" in sachet makes variety of wonderful drinks for everyone. 'Bolero' is out of poster, it's name doesn't ring bell for now. But there's something so unique about it that most people don't seem to know for now. Until you discover for yourself, the better. But I tell you one thing, discovering it's secret will make you fall in love in a flash. Bolero has the power to make your most delicious drink(s) whenever mixed well with water. I felt so enchanted when I chanced upon a sachet of 'Bolero' nicely displayed on a stand on my school campus. Not even the colorful design of it's label got me attracted but the fact is, I was just curious about knowing more about the usefulness of it's content. After asking several questions, the beautiful lady behind the stand made me aware it was a powder you can mix with water upto the size of 1.5 litre bottle equal to the measurement of the large-sized bottl...