Kick out ‘quack journalists’ from media profession – Dr. Dartey to the media

Professional journalists working in the media have been asked to kick out charlatans who go around town including events grounds parading themselves as journalists to extort money from people. “If you go to an event and you see non-journalists who are just there for “Soli”, I think you should kick them out. At the Press Centre, we kick some of these people out. So those of us who call ourselves journalists, whenever we see these people who are trying to occupy our space and mess up we should kick them out,” she stressed. The advice came from a renowned media consultant, Dr. Doris Yaa Dartey on the sideline of the commemoration of the World Radio Day 2017. Dr. Doris Dartey who is also a member of the National Media Commission (NMC), the state media regulator, bemoaned the rate at which attitudes of some ‘unscrupulous persons’ parading themselves within the media space as practitioners or journalists to extort money from event organizers has dented the ...