Ghana marks 2019 Scoliosis Awareness Day; citizens urged to eschew stigmatization of victims

Ghana has marked this year's Scoliosis Awareness Day with a call on all citizens to join the fight against stigmatization and alienation of persons with scoliosis. The International Awareness Day is a day set aside globally to create awareness and sensitize people on the need to prevent Scoliosis, its detection, treatment, and cure. This year’s event which was celebrated on the theme: “Early detection, early prevention” was staged at the courtyard of the Chief's Palace at Sowutuom, a suburb of Accra. It was chaired by His Royal Highness, Nii Osabu Akwei Ofoli Tibo I, the Chief of Sowutuom-Nsumfa Traditional Area. At the forum, various speakers who took turns to address the participants charged them to speak up for scoliosis victims as well as endeavor to join the fight against stigmatization and alienation in order to galvanize support for the scoliosis victims. Participants were also admonished to help create the needed awareness in a bid to help demystify the myth...