JOSEPH KOBLA WEMAKOR :My take on UN Climate Change Conference in Paris(COP21), How Effective?

The world cannot wait any longer as climate change and its impacts on humans remain crucial, with world leaders embarking on a plan to decide the fate and future of our God-given planet, the devastating effect of climate change on health still remain a contentious issue to deal with. Mr. Joseph Kobla Wemakor, a Senior Journalist and leader of a Climate Change Activists group in Ghana The Sustainable Development Goals( SDGS) conference which is slated for September 25-27, 2015 in New York and the much waited 17 strong sustainable Development Goals have a direct implication on lives and properties. Already in Nepal, Haiti, Niger, Ghana, East to West, South to North. The Caribbean and other nations are yet to recover from the shocks associated with devastating nature of climate change on health after the most recent past disasters they faced with loss of lives and thousands exposure to the incidence of malaria, cholera and other related i...