350 G-ROC to hold the first biggest ever Street Carnival on Climate Change in Ghana

15 th November, 2014 (from 4pm till you drop) is the D-day and time set aside finally for the biggest ever and the first in its kind street carnival on climate change to climax the Global Power Shift (GPS) project in the history of Ghana. 350. Ghana Reduce our carbon (G-ROC), the climate change youth activist group are poised to hit the street of Accra with the reawakening message of hope on promotion and use of clean renewable, sustainable source of energy against coal-powered plant. The well planned street carnival event which is massively calling for the attention of Ghanaians on how to save the climate from destruction is jointly being organized by 350 G-ROC, and PLUZZ FM 89.9 a local based commercial FM station in Accra. The thought provoking yet colourful entertainment night event will saw thousands of youths converging at the Osikan football field in Accra off Accra High Street, close to the enterprise Insurance bui...