ISACA Accra Chapter Holds 3-Days Conference on IT Audit, Information Security and Risk Insights

The Accra Chapter of the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) has organized a 3-days sensitization conference on IT Audit, Information Security and Risk Insights in Africa. Participants of the ISACA's IT Audit,Information Security & Risk Insights 2015 Conference in a pose The conference dubbed “ISACA’s IT Audit Information Security and Risk Insights 2015” brought together 150 participants made up of IT personnel’s from various Corporate Institutions; both public and private including Chief Executive Officers, Owners and Heads of IT Companies in addition to ISACA members within 4 major West African Countries namely; Togo, Nigeria, Benin and Ghana. The 3-days forum is expected to help participants address some of the key issues confronting Africans in promoting ICT as a tool for national development. Some of the key issues ranges from Cyber-crime, system failures, infrastructure, data and above all how to come out with innova...