We have indeed come to the cross road where each and every one of us are  begging for answers to end the deadly climate change which has rocked the world casting its devastating effects on every living thing on earth especially we humans.
  I do believe the first approach to tackling this issue starts with our world leaders and negotiators in whose hands the fate of our beloved planet lies. They will be made to take a decision whether good or bad which  is expected to free the world from the harrowing effects of the climate change.

But the question is…..are our leaders ready to make a good decision that can transform the world from bad to good?

For 0ver 200 years efforts have been made to document the traces and impacts of climate change.
Of interest it is a turning point of greatest records of climate change effects hitting the pinnacle in 2015 ahead of the crucial conference of parties (COP21 PARIS 2015  ) reminding us the important role our leaders  can play and expectation that must go on to help us succeed. We will praise you leaders if you do the right thing and blame you at the same time if you fail us. We are all in the boat sinking at unprecedented rate. Why not settle for the best.

Let’s catch up to climate change now, negotiators where you are. Again and again we are at the cross road world leaders. The critical need for short term action to catch up to climate change ahead of 2050 is now and the need for long term goals to guide us towards 2050.

Our demands are clearly cut, thus, COP21 PARIS 2015 must pass the litmus tests, and negotiators must not fail us again.

All UN Climate Negotiations going on right now, be it UNFCCC Bonn, Germany: August 31st - September 4th, 2015, UNFCCC Bonn, Germany: October 19th - October 23rd, 2015, COP21 Paris, France: November 30th - December 11th, 2015 must deeply worked to impacts lives.  Mere lip service paid to climate change will not yield any positive results.

Increasingly the year 2015 has seen a lot of transitions from one global events and actions taking places in all continents to another on climate change.
These events revolved from past unfinished businesses of which your stiff opposition to all the good ideas derailed the sleepless nights and efforts injected into finding solutions to climate change. Of aged was the Millennium Development Goals (MDGS) and we have had experience from the MDGS implementation and now know the score marks of what had worked best and what not.

After tireless efforts had emerged 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) with over 169 sub-themes being hailed as a possible catalyst to solving the next global dream of reality development via agenda 2030. The number 13th roll of the SDGS is climate change, yet to receive world leader’s acceptance at the verdict table in September, 25-27th   New York conference 2015. Climate change as standalone and singled out indicator should remind us of the greatest challenges of our time. This comes with a sigh of relief yet much more and visible attention is needed more than before. As a journalist and civil society watch dog I cannot stand aloof without questioning the status quo?

At all UN climate negotiations going on right now on the road to Paris 2015 come 31-11 December, 2015 equally will decide the fate of our worlds survival in the face of looming climate change related incidence. Emerging on the scene is Climate change refugees expected to quadruple in the next decades involving millions population spread across the globe. What again are we waiting for now ?.  

Now all countries, faces enormous social, economic and environmental challenges that are likely to be exacerbated by the impacts of climate change. 

At both the individual and the national levels, climate change is of serious concern because of most nations’ overdependence on climate-sensitive sectors, such as hydro-power generation, agriculture, fisheries and wildlife resources. Projections indicate that temperature will continue to rise, and the survival of coastal communities will be threatened by rising sea level. Reduction in rainfall is already impacting on rain-fed agriculture and hydro-power outages, causing significant decreases in industrial production. The rural poor, are affected by frequent droughts and annual flooding, and are forced to adopt non-sustainable measures such as migration, farming and building in flood plains. These in turn increase their vulnerability and make the fight against poverty increasingly difficult.
We have the solutions right on our finger tips as we do not need to look far.  Countries are coming to the conference with their solutions and actions on what needed to be done at each countries level to halt climate change. Each country indeed is bedeviled with a different form of climate change problem. One size fits all solutions will not work in all countries.

These countries know what is best and all sorts of action that should go with arresting climate change in both short and long terms. Notable among the presentations at COP21 PARIS 2015 will be countries Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCS) and other reports on climate change which will culminate into the final signing of agreements to spark off next phase of climate change interventions across the globe.

The world has followed with keen interest the actions and inactions of our world leaders, stakeholders, and negotiators at all climate change meetings ongoing, present and in time past. Really they have not fared well. Our aim for zero emissions by 2050, and  crave for staying below 2 degrees of global warming needs the necessary connections and interactions with science to survive. Attention must be given to the evidences put before you and the personal interest faced out totally.

We cannot wait any longer for the few to throw the world back into the abyss again. Spending over 24 hours at a negotiation table with zeros outcomes speak volume of the hidden agendas of competitors but in the end who will suffer the brunt.

Adequate funding for research , policy reforms, advocacy, communication, human resource development, reduction in carbon emission, support to sensitive sectors, professional diplomacy to climate change, climate change  activities have been hailed as the best antidote.

Climate change  and its rippling effects stares us right in the face and this is the time we must rise up to the challenges knowing well that a healthy person makes a healthy planet. That's why we care and want the best from you, our world leaders and negotiators at  all UN Climate Negotiations going on right now  else we will be dead and gone.


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