GHANA: Human Rights Reporters’ shortlisted for 2020 Africans Rising Activism Award; your support needed!

After years of constant activism, advocacy and support towards relieving the plight of many people living in Ghana and beyond, our good work has caught the attention of a ‘good Samaritan’ to nominate us for the 2020 Africans Rising Activism award under the Movement of the Year category. It was a great surprise to us when we got the notification via email. We received the good news through the mail on Wednesday January 6, 2020 at exactly 8.00am from the Africans Rising for Justice, Peace & Dignity (Africans Rising), the global movement organizing the award who confirmed the naming of the Human Rights Reporters Ghana (HRRG) as one of its finalists among the 10 who emerged victorious as part of the 2020 Africans Rising Activism Award under the Movement of the Year category. The 2020 Africans Rising Activism Award seeks to recognize both a movement and an individual activist for their hard work for change. The 2019 edition of the award which is the inaugural witnessed Jean-...