2020 High-Level Political Forum on SDGs: World leaders urged to take advantage of COVID-19

Scores of high-profile young leaders across the globe who are bent on creating a better and more sustainable future for all have urged governments of all nations and world leaders to consider the rots created by the COVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity rather than a tragedy and ensure best advantage is taken care of them to accelerate the implementation of the Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). According to the passionate young leaders, the crisis brought upon the world by the emergence of COVID-19 should not be a barrier to achieving targets, but rather a catalyst to spur and consolidate every effort in order to scale-up the previous gains towards the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. The zealous global young leaders made their voices known at a webinar to mark a side event of the 2020 UN High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) held on Friday July 17, 2020 on the theme: “Building Back Better Through Partnership: The Youth and Civil Society Organ...