2017 Chale Wote Festival: Act for Change turned Jamestown streets upsidedown with exhilarating performances
Call it a captivating and fun-packed yet highly educative theatrical performance of a lifetime that stole the heart, mind and soul of every observer on the Principal streets of Jamestown in just ended 7th Annual Chale Wote Streets Arts Festival which went down over weekend. The Chale wote Street Art Festival is an alternative platform that brings art, music, dance and performance out into the streets. It is celebrated annually every second week of August This year's edition which came on the theme: 'Wata Mata' was nothing but the hardest of all showcasing varieties of interesting activities ranging from entertaining activities, concerts, Boxing bouts, acrobatic displays, cultural dances, live paintings, music, games and many more. But what actually topped it all climaxing the whole weeklong event was a nerve-wrecking theatrical performance by Act For Change, an NGO that uses theatre performances to communicate and educates Community membe...